This volume contains Sala's business records. There are accounts for the printing in Buffalo Creek of the Christian Baptist, a periodical written and published by Alexander Campbell (1788-1866), one of the founders of the Disciples of Christ. In addition to accounts for printing services, there are records of general merchandise, grocery, and stationery goods sales. In 1831, Sala sold his printing establishment and German language newspaper (Vaterlandsfreund) to Peter Kaufmann (1800-1869), a German immigrant who came to the United States in 1817 and settled in Canton, Ohio, in 1828. From 1831 to 1837, there are subscription lists for the newspaper, records of printing services (advertisements, particularly), and accounts of sales of a German language almanac which Kaufmann also printed and published. He apparently transported large quantities of these almanacs to Philadelphia and western Pennsylvania and returned with general goods to be sold in Canton. Sales of these items as well as farm and print-shop labor exchanges are also included in the volume.